Monday 31 January 2011

Last Day of January

The late winter sun
Shines through the tree
Back-lighting the branches.
Another month has passed,
A time of experience and
Creative writing.


Sunday 30 January 2011


On my way back from a walk
I saw three jackdaws
On a chimney
Keeping warm
In the bitter wind.


Saturday 29 January 2011

Musical Composition

What shall it be today
A singing rehearsal
Followed by some keyboard
Or flute practice?
Or perhaps all three
Decisions, decisions, decisions.


Friday 28 January 2011


Tractor trailing seagulls
Share the chance
For finding new food,
Scrabbling in the soil.


Thursday 27 January 2011


Bravely putting up its head
From the cold ground
A Lesser Celandine
Makes its appearance
Despite the winter season


Wednesday 26 January 2011

Self Concept

Walking on my way to an appointment
This morning,
Enjoying the sunshine of the day
And the bird song.
Out of nowhere came the concept
'I am a writer'.
Before this realization,
Writing was
Something I tended to do.
Along with photography and music
But this month
Writing a small stone every day
And posting it.
I can now acknowledge
That I am a writer.
Something fundamental
Has changed


Tuesday 25 January 2011

Rag Rugging

Despite the weeping skies
The company was warm
As we learned how to do
Rag rugging.
Picking discarded clothes
To weave into our rugs
Colour and texture.


Monday 24 January 2011


Overdrawn at the energy bank
I search for something
To pay of the debt!
A 4-egg omelette
Just about fits the bill.


Sunday 23 January 2011

Feline Imperative

The Empty Bowl
The not so quiet insistence
That Food Be Given NOW.


Saturday 22 January 2011

Saturday Excursion

A bright and sunny afternoon
I'm eager to get out and about
We drive out on an excursion
Of estuaries and beaches in the area
All amazingly beautiful,
But we underestimated the wind!


Friday 21 January 2011


The clanking of the tractor,
The cry of the seagulls
And the singing of the birds
As the light slowly leaves the sky
Signal the closing of another day
And I sit and wonder
Where the time's all gone.


Thursday 20 January 2011


Walking today
In the bright sunlight
Birds singing
Weather warm
It felt like spring.
Two wood pigeons were
Nestled together on a branch.
That has to be a good sign
For the coming of spring;
Or we'll just have
A lot of little wood pigeons!


Wednesday 19 January 2011


All snuggled up,
Warm and happy
On the futon
The cat sleeps
The image
Of contentment.


Tuesday 18 January 2011

Stalking Birds

Slowly, slowly
Quietly moving forwards
Praying the object does not move
Or fly away.
Do birds have a sixth sense
Which tells them when to fly off
Just as they're in focus
And the shot is about to be taken?
It certainly feels like that sometimes!


Monday 17 January 2011


Shall I do this
Or shall I do that
For my blog?
So much indecision
About what to write.
I must have changed my
Mind several times in a
Few hours.
And abandoned all the choices
At last for something
Completely different!


Sunday 16 January 2011


The gift of light
The gift of warmth
The gift of companionship
The gift of health
The gift of prosperity
Be ever with you.


Saturday 15 January 2011

Blank Screen Syndrome

Today it happened
What I hoped wouldn't.
Blank Screen Syndrome.
Looked at the screen
And didn't have a clue what to write.
Maybe it was the musical sight-reading
This morning at choir rehearsal
Which temporarily fried my synapses
But there was no action there.
Just a blank screen to try and fill
So I just wrote this.
In the hope it will all
Be better tomorrow.


Friday 14 January 2011


Ah - Freedom at last
From the constraints of wind and fog
The pleasure of the wind in my hair
The sun on my face
After feeling imprisoned
By the weather
To be out again in nature
Is such spiritual joy.


Thursday 13 January 2011


Emotional turmoil
Like a storm-tossed ship
Finally blows itself out
And Peace is restored.


Wednesday 12 January 2011


Grey and foggy
Noise and vision muted
Want to sleep through winter.
Brain slow
Crawling in response to
So little colour and form
On a day like this
Even a small stone
Is a minor miracle!


Tuesday 11 January 2011


Following yesterdays weather
Branches have fallen
And streams are swollen
With torrents of water.


Monday 10 January 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

Relentless wind and rain
Make Monday gray
Time for hot drinks
And shelter
And dreams of a sunny day


Sunday 9 January 2011


Dalek greeting
Loudly follows me
As I walk to the shops.


Saturday 8 January 2011

The Long Walk

Today I walked for miles
Or it seemed like it.
Through mud and puddles
Over hills and styles
Still I reached my destination
And returned home inspired


Friday 7 January 2011

Searching Inspiration

Mind dead
Screen blank
Need Inspiration
Ah Coffee!
Help's arrived!


Thursday 6 January 2011

Tree in the Stream

What choice did you make
To decide to live here
To grow and prosper
In the middle of a stream
Surrounded by water?
Or was it fate
Who favoured you so
And you grew in that strength?


Wednesday 5 January 2011

Furry Wake-up Call

Gently dozing - half awake -
A quiet mew
And then frantic purring;
The cat jumps on my bed
And welcomes me to morning.


Tuesday 4 January 2011


Robin on a willow tree
Watched me inquisitively
As I did T'ai Chi in our garden
This morning


Monday 3 January 2011

Dawn Sky

Watching the dawn
Gold flecked blue
Contrasting clouds
Wondering what the day will bring


Sunday 2 January 2011


Beautiful, spherical, raindrop
Suspended on a twig
Awaiting its moment to fall.


Saturday 1 January 2011

Pink and Blue

Pastel skies of pink and blue
Reflected by the sea
A celestial painting
Of delicate hues
Traced lightly
By a setting sun.
