Friday 17 February 2012

Bath Time

In a pool in a meadow
Two wood pigeons
Bathe . .


  1. It' rare to see birds such as these bathing. Thanks for the view.

    1. Thank you - you're welcome.I'd tried to take a photo of crows bathing and they flew off. I count myself lucky that I was in the right time and place to catch the wood pigeons!

  2. I haven't visited for a while but am pleased to find your wonderful words and photos again. This one reminds me that this morning I saw a pigeon holding a wing up, I though it must be injured and struggling to fly, then I saw another nearby doing the same and realised they were holding them up into the rain to wash under their wings.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment. I never realised that pigeons washed under their wings in this way. Obvious really when you think about it but also very clever!

  3. How sweet! A wonderful capture!

    1. Thank you Rose - I just felt lucky to be able to photograph them bathng!

  4. Like Libby (by the wobbly dumdum tree) I have missed stopping by. I have such trouble photographing birds- you got the image and the words. Smiling and glad I do not need to bathe in a puddle!

  5. Thank you Teri. Photographing birds is difficult they seem to have a sixth sense as to when you are about to take the shot and fly off! I agree - bathing in a puddle must be very cold at this time of year!
