Monday, 5 August 2019

Life as an Obstacle Course?

I notice that often I treat my life as an obstacle course especially if I have a busy day/week ahead. This often results in my never being truly present for what is happening now as part of my thoughts are engaged in what's coming up next. (A bit like TV programmes where they say 'next week on . .'
and show you a trailer of what the next episode is about.) I have also noticed that this attitude to life can be quite exhausting as I'm holding some of my energy back for future events so I have enough mental/physical resources to cope with whatever is upcoming.

Now as I'm taking a breather throughout the month of August, I'm deciding to look at many of my attitudes to life and what does and doesn't serve me in my ongoing daily practices, relationships and situations. So I've decided to treat my life as a gentle stroll, noticing whatever comes up, pleasant or unpleasant and giving this all more time and attention, being more gentle with myself and less like a fitness instructor! I'll let you know how I do.

This change of attitude was inspired greatly by the teachings of Tara Brach, a Buddhist spiritual teacher. I can truly recommend her work for anyone who feels like they're ready to look more deeply within themselves and explore further.

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