Sunday 17 January 2010


Happy Our Birthday :)Image by Hamed Saber via Flickr

I just had a birthday recently and it made me think about several things. One of these is that, after a certain point, the age you are becomes increasingly unimportant. As a child we were all looking forward to being that one year older and bigger. In the 20s and 30s, and particularly the last digit of the latter decade, birthdays are not so welcome. Sometime after that it becomes apparent how unimportant your chronological age becomes as how you feel seems to have no bearing on how old you are. Sometimes, if you are tired and out of sorts you can feel much older than your chronological age, especially if you have lots of aches and pains. Then there are the other times, which in my case I'm extremely grateful for, when I feel much younger than my chronological age. I look at the figures that represent my age with total amazement as they have no actual meaning for me. As I continue to 'mature', I hope that I will feel younger than my chronological age for most of the time!
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