Monday 25 January 2010

Living in the Now

Experiencing the Lotus Before BedtimeImage by Rebecca L. Daily via Flickr

I've heard so much about this concept. Until a few days ago, I hadn't given it any serious thought because my idea of reality was that it was 'boring' and so I kept in my mind and in my emotions. Now I'm trying out this 'living in the now'. It is hard but there are unexpected benefits to the practice I find as well as the difficulties. Experiencing painful emotions is never easy but to push them away or repress them only means that they will return at some other time and possibly in greater force. Awareness and attention seem to be the key to this for me at the moment as well as the ability to breathe through the more difficult times and to be with them. But 'living in the now' also brings the beauty of what is around me so clearly to my senses that it is quite wonderful and awe inspiring. I feel that I am beginning to appreciate what is around me in a new and more meaningful way and am deeply grateful for it.
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