Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Cornish Chough
Sunday, 29 August 2010
In Praise of My Garden

Here I sit, so tired and aching,
Bramble-bitten, scratched and sore,
Doing the garden took some effort
Dealing with brambles even more!
Yet I feel that all is worth it
For the moments of peace and joy
That my garden gives me quietly,
Pays back all my work and more.
Many lovely birds and insects
Share the space I call my own
I consider that all is worth it
Just to feel that deep connection
To the Earth and all.
Friday, 27 August 2010

I've been going through quite a lot of stress recently but I find that the countryside and scenery around where I live not only give me inspiration but allow me to deal with what is going on emotionally inside me. I give thanks that I live in such a beautiful part of the world where there is always something interesting to notice everyday. It really helps when the weather is bright and sunny like it is today.
Wednesday, 25 August 2010

I met up with some friends yesterday to go for a walk, for the first time for quite a period. We were blessed with bright sunshine and a coolish wind. Went for a beautiful walk around the cliffs where the gorse and heather were in bloom and looked gorgeous as did also the view to the sea. Saw a raven soaring overheard, doing playful tumbles and rolls in the sky.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Purring Companion
When I started to write this blog I had the cat sitting on my lap. There is something very special about the companionship of a cat and the special feeling that happens when he jumps onto my lap, settles down and purrs. It was not easy to type though. I have been privileged to have shared my life with a cat for many years and am still fascinated by his behaviour and moods. Sometimes he is the sweetest companion I could wish for.
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Cliff Roaming

Yesterday, as it was such a beautiful afternoon, I took the opportunity to roam around the cliffs. I was surprised at how few tourists there were about in the middle of August. The sea looked fantastic and I saw a pair of kestrels soaring in search of prey. On my way home I saw some beautiful little calves in a field. It was just the right weather for walking and I saw a stunning number of bumble bees making the most of the flowers.
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
From where I'm sitting I can see a buddleia in my neighbour's garden. For those of you who aren't familiar with this plant, it is a shrub most commonly seen with either purple or white flowers. It flowers mainly during July and August and looks very similar to lilac in its appearance but flowers later. In this part of Cornwall where I live, it practically grows wild and it is very good at attracting butterflies. On Sunday, I was lucky enough to be able to take a picture of a Red Admiral as it went after the pollen of a flower. I think it might have been on a buddleia and was most focused in its attention on its prize.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Tregeseal Stone Circle
This afternoon I helped the Cornwall Ancient Sites Protection Network clear the bracken and brambles from Tregeseal Stone Circle. This is a charitable organisation which undertakes the protection and preservation of ancient sites around Cornwall and a site clearance takes place about once a month at different sites, to keep the undergrowth under control. The afternoon was perfect for it with just enough sun to keep us warm and enough wind to keep us cool while we worked. Tregeseal Stone Circle is set in a beautiful location and it was a joy to work there this afternoon.
Friday, 13 August 2010
August Sunshine

Today it is a beautiful sunny day in West Cornwall, although it is also quite windy. There is quite a lot of blue sky with only the occaasional clouds as I look out of the window which is most unusual for this part of Cornwall where we have been getting bouts of quite thick fog, particularly in the early morning. Recently the farmer cut the grass in the field behind the house and left it to dry in neat rows. It all looks very summery somehow. The local birds made the most of the opportunity to catch the bugs which were now accessible from the cut grass, particularly the crows.
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
Cot Valley Walk
Yesterday, as it was such a beautiful afternoon, I decided to go for a walk around the top of Cot Valley. It was a lovely walk and my route took me to places which were largely ignored by tourists. I took the opportunity of taking a number of photos as I went along marking the progress of my journey. I'm so pleased that my mobile has camera facilities as it is so much easier to carry on a long walk than my digital camera which is much heavier even though the photographs aren't always as good. My mobile often works as a spur-of-the-moment photographic recorder which can be a lot of fun as well as spontaneous.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Plymouth Argyle
Image via Wikipedia
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Chapel Carn Brea
After a fairly disastrous night I finally made it up to the shops and then spontaneously decided to drive to Chapel Carn Brea which is fairly close to where I live. It was bright and sunny with just enough wind to stop it from being too hot and it was a pleasant little walk from the road to the top. The view from the top was stunning and I felt glad both for the spontaneous thought and the walk.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Image by vincos via Flickr
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Image via Wikipedia
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