My name is Liz Allmark and I live in a beautiful part of Cornwall where I feel deeply connected with the Earth and sea around me and to the Divinity both inside and out!
Image by Picture Taker 2 via FlickrThe smell of smoke in the air The sight of stars in the sky The sound of a tawny owl Makes this time feel special. I am grateful for the experience.
Image by Clara Zamith via FlickrToday it was different No swimming in the morning But a Creative Writing Group In the Afternoon Where we shared our Creativity And had fun. Next week it's back To Swimming.
A rare and beautiful moment As I first identify the Chaffinch on his perch And then take a Photo of him Resplendent in his Colours as he Watches what goes On around him.
I savour my morning Walk up the hill I look at the Lesser Celandines All in flower now Hear the birds All around And feel the peace Of this Beautiful place.
Image via WikipediaWalking up to the shops And seeing mothers and children Return from school Brought back poignant memories Of my son's childhood And the school routine.
Despite the early morning mist The cloud burned off To reveal warm sunshine. Sitting on the bank Overlooking the sea And basking in the Warmth of the Sun It felt as though Spring had come at last.
I am deeply grateful For the kind person Who found my mobile phone And handed in at The Leisure Centre This morning. Thank you whoever You are for your Kindness and honesty. May you have a long and Blessed life.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Seeing the sun in the sky and The gorse all in flower; Feeling the wind on my face and The gravel beneath my feet; I listen to the peace of the moors And the sound of the sea.
Image via WikipediaHow easy it is to lose touch With the feel of a thing Or the smell of an experience And often to the little sounds in our lives As we concentrate overwhelmingly On vision And how life appears to be.
Image by chris.corwin via FlickrBiorhythm changes Caused by different Lifestyle patterns Make the day Appear to Pass quicker Despite the lighter Hours.
Sunday dawns cool and grey I'm expecting a quiet day But matters change and grow Until I don't recognize The day that has evolved In but a few hours Decisions have been made And steps taken That have led me further Than I had ever anticipated On a supposed quiet day.