Sunday 7 June 2009


Mill RuinImage by emms76 via Flickr

One of my favourite subjects at school was History. I found it really interesting what concerns people in the past had, what motivated them. Later I went on to study English Social History which was even more fascinating as that was about the lives of everyday people not rulers or governments. When you consider how quickly technology has changed in even the last 20 or so years and how that has affected the lives of so many of us you can begin to get the feeling of what it was like in the Industrial Revolution when so many people moved from the country to the towns to find work and often lived in appalling conditions. We are moving now from an industrial to a technological revolution and people's lives have been greatly affected by the change. Who is to say where it will end? There are times when I have considerable sympathy for the everyday people of the early nineteenth century whenI think about the future ahead of us now with all the changes which are occurring politically, economically and enviromentally.
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