Sunday 28 July 2019

Project Earth

Make of this what you will. It came to me after watching the latest Matt Kahn video.

Project Earth
‘How’s that project of yours going?’
‘You mean the Earth experience?’
‘Yeah – that one.’
Said with a shrug, ‘It has its ups and downs. Currently it seems to be mostly in the downturn but I feel that there is light at the end of the tunnel.’
‘There’s always light at the end of the tunnel.’
‘Sure but the Earth population can’t see it. They’re immersed in some pretty dark experiences at the moment and can’t see the way out.’
‘But these are powerful beings that were chosen to take part in this project and willingly did so.’
‘Yes, but they don’t remember that and so easily can become manipulated by lower consciousness. That’s where the struggle lies.’
‘But you said that there was light at the end of the tunnel?’
‘Yeah – that’s really good to see. So many have had enough of the injustices, inequalities, poverty and ecological degradation that they, individually and collectively, are taking power into their own hands and are choosing to make a difference, to change things for the well-being of all.’
‘Then they’re well on their way. All they need is encouragement to take bigger and bolder steps.’

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