Saturday, 15 January 2011

Blank Screen Syndrome

Today it happened
What I hoped wouldn't.
Blank Screen Syndrome.
Looked at the screen
And didn't have a clue what to write.
Maybe it was the musical sight-reading
This morning at choir rehearsal
Which temporarily fried my synapses
But there was no action there.
Just a blank screen to try and fill
So I just wrote this.
In the hope it will all
Be better tomorrow.



  1. I hate it when that happens! Someone, and I can't remember who (very bad with names) wrote about 'the tyranny of the blank page'. I often find myself muttering, and writing these six words when my head doesn't want to co-operate. Your blog is lovely though, I've enjoyed looking around.

    Sam x

  2. Oh wait awhile, - the Muse has probably just gone to the washroom, or to refill her coffee cup. She always comes back!
